Monday, November 30, 2009

Photos of activities over the year

Many things have happened over the last 11 months. I have done a lot and gone places. Here are just some photos that I have. Most have already been posted in facebook but here are some, just to remind me of the people I have met over the months.

Dr Lee Su Kim, writer and lecturer in UKM. She is really a Nyonya.

Dr Alan Maley, whose books I have read and used during my uni days.

Cast and crew and everyone involved in the school's "I have a dream" production. Something I am very proud to be associated with.

The Sri Aman crowd with Wai Yee (ex-sri aman and cast of musical "2 from Galilee")

The staff and PTA during the Royal Gala Dinner with the Permaisui Agong. No pic of her majesty, I'm afraid.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Selamat Bercuti dan Salam Aidil Adha

Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Bercuti buat semua, walaupun ada yang terpaksa menjaga peperiksaan SPM serta terlibat dengan penandaan kertas peperiksaan, saya kira itu merupakan sebahagian daripada 'kehidupan' seorang guru - yang sentiasa mengorbankan waktu peribadi demi sebuah tugas yang mulia.

Buat rakan-rakan Muslim, saya panjangkan Salam Aidil Adha, semoga perayaan kali ini membawa seribu makna serta mengajar kita erti pengorbanan yang sebenarnya :)

Have fun with your families, and bring back all sweet memories!

Regards (^^)